Thursday, August 5, 2010

Crazy, Crazy week!

So my mom asked me to do some work for her on her new site, which included a brochure and a postcard done completely from scratch! The brochure wasn't that bad, but the postcard?! BLAH! But I managed to get it done and they liked it, so I'm happy! I'm really hoping this new site takes off quickly, because there's promise to move up and be relocated! That'd be absolutely wonderful, as long as Rob could find a job! But as of right now, how that company's going, I would not complain at all if he left. There's just too much drama and too much he said-she said in that restaurant, but I guess you'll get that everywhere!

Other than that, It's been kind of mellow. We've had my stepson down for the week, and it's been a change from the arguing and fighting that Sami and Bethany do! The good thing is that school for Sam starts the 18th, so there's a relief, they won't be around each other 24/7, and I think that's what they need!

Caleb's getting to be such a big boy now! He can wave bye bye!! And he stood on his own for a couple seconds yesterday! I was so proud of him, but as soon as we looked over and said anything, he went straight down to his butt! GO FIGURE!!!

Ok, well, on to some pictures, I think I got a few different ones for ya!
My husband and daughter going for a walk! Soo sweet! :D

This is my little nephew Ayden! He's such a cutie!!! :DI decided I was gonna play around with my wedding pics! So I had my "Wedding" on a cruise ship!