Thursday, July 15, 2010

Could today seriously go any slower?!?!?! I hate days like this. I'm bored as heck sitting inside all day, but we don't have the money to do anything, and I really don't want to go sit in THIS heat for anything! :( I want to edit photos, but I don't have any to edit, because all mine are soooo boring! LOL I think it's partly because I've looked at them so many times that I can't think of anything good to do with them! So I go back to Cafemom and try to get some off there?! I am trying. I put up a post on the newcomer's club, but haven't gotten any responses yet, so I'm just waiting to see. Last time I put one up I had 124 replies! HOLY MACKEREL!! LOL I thought I did a pretty good job on them. I don't know. Rob's at work till 4, so I'm just hangin out with the normal! I wish there was something more to do in this town that was free, or I could get to easily! I dunno. Well here's a few more pics I'll show off.